
- NutrS 5010
- Graduate-level physiology (NutrS 5490, KIN 5500, KIN 5510)
- 3-6 credits of graduate-level biochemistry
- 3 credits of graduate-level statistics (STAT 5710)
- Graduate student orientation course (FS HN 5800 or An S 5010)
- Seminar(s) attendance in food science and human nutrition (FS HN 5810) or animal science (An S 6030)
- Seminar presentation course (FSHN 6810 or An S equivalent)
- 1 semester credit of seminar pertaining to student’s research
- Teaching assistant requirement (FS HN 5900C or AnS 5900L)
- Summer lectureship (NutrS 5050)
- Successful completion of a thesis and defense of the thesis.
- Completion of all requirements of the M.S. degree in Nutritional Sciences
- 3 additional credits in each of graduate-level biochemistry, graduate-level statistics (Stat 5710), and systemic physiology
- 1 additional graduate-level course in the field of study as deemed appropriate by the POS Committee
- Additional teaching assistant requirements (FS HN 5900C or An S 6900L)
- Satisfactory completion of a preliminary examination, a written dissertation, seminar presentation of dissertation research, and defense of the dissertation is also required.
Need More Information?
Brenda Emery
220 Mackay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1078