Canvas Gradebook tips (part 2)

February 22, 2018

To move the Total column from the end of the table to the beginning, go to the final Total column, click the arrow in the bottom right corner of the header cell, and click ‘Move to front’. If you mute a grade column, students will not see their score or feedback to the muted activity and their scores will not be added to the class total. From the Gradebook you can bulk message all students who meet specific performance standards on an assignment by going the activity column, opening the header cell menu, and selecting ‘Message Students Who…’. Pick one of four listed performance issues (didn’t submit, haven’t been graded, scored less than X, scored more than X) and Canvas will select student recipients based on the criteria. You can remove any student from the list. Compose a message and click send: each student receives an individual message and will not know who else received the same message.

Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 515-294-9198
Department: in administration