How to set up a deferred assignment/quiz for one student
September 7, 2020Canvas allows you to create a series of “Assign to” rules for each graded activity that customizes when each student’s, or each enrollment Section’s, activity is available and due. For example, a class homework assignment could be due on Friday but one student is given until Monday to submit it, or enrollment Section 1 must do a quiz on a Monday while enrollment Section 2 does the same quiz on Wednesday. To set up this up, edit the activity and fill in the “Assign to” rule for “Everyone” in the class. Add another Assign to rule and in it identify a subset of students, by name or Section, and enter a different set of dates and times in which they must submit the activity. Add as many rules as necessary: each student will only be covered by one rule. Collectively the rules must cover everyone who is expected to complete the activity. At this time, Assign to rules cannot be used to change due dates for individual groups – only individual students and enrollment Sections.
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