ISU Extension and Outreach shares Shannon Coleman’s recommendations for food marketing resources

January 22, 2018

ISU Extension and Outreach shares Shannon Coleman’s recommendations for food marketing resources: Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offers resources for local food producers to help them market their product, including publications and workshops for exempt home food operators and home bakeries. In a recent Extension and Outreach article, Shannon Coleman, a human sciences specialist in food science and human nutrition, recommends these resources for food producers who need assistance navigating Iowa’s laws and regulations on product marketing. Linda Naeve, an extension specialist in Value Added Agriculture; Kendra Meyer, a program assistant for Value Added Agriculture; and Leah Gilman, a graduate student in food science and human nutrition, contributed to the resources that Extension and Outreach has available.

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Contact Details:

Name: Shannon Coleman
Phone: 515-294-9011
Department: in Human Sciences Extension and Outreach