Sign up now for CHS-paid ‘Writing Winning Grant Proposals’ workshop Nov. 7

October 24, 2018

This day-long workshop, which previous faculty attendees have deemed as excellent and valuable, provides comprehensive tips on writing successful competitive grant proposals. Email DeAnn Barnes at, if you plan to register and she will give you the account number to cover your $80 registration fee. A select few who participate in this workshop may be nominated to participate in Phase II, which includes one-on-one expert consultation while you write a specific grant application. Candidates for Phase II will be selected and put forth to the Office of the Vice President for Research by the College of Human Sciences with the support of the nominee’s department chair or school director. Anyone interested in participating in Phase II should inform Brenda Lohman of those aspirations.

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Contact Details:

Name: Brenda Lohman
Phone: 515-294-7804
Department: in the College of Human Sciences