Assessment Results

After creating and implementing learning experiences and conducting assessment of student learning outcomes and program outcomes, faculty and department committees discuss and use the assessment results to improve learning.

Examples of how faculty members discuss assessment results include:

  • Special topics faculty meetings
  • Major-specific faculty discussions
  • Faculty conversations usingĀ Collaborative Assessment Protocol (PDF)
  • Curriculum Committee and Outcomes Assessment Committee meetings

The departmental Outcomes Assessment Committee provides updates to faculty at the annual department retreat and makes recommendations to the departmental Curriculum Committee. Outcomes results are discussed, trends are identified, strategies to improve courses and curricula are proposed, and implementation plans are suggested.

Evidence of using assessment results:

  • Curricular recommendations/changes
  • Examples of faculty training (faculty retreats, workshops, special topics meetings)

The departmental Outcomes Assessment Committee submits an annual report to the department chair. Additionally, the committee submits annual reports to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS), College of Human Sciences (CHS), and Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). The DPD Director utilizes outcomes assessment data for continuous program improvement and accreditation reports.