Angela Shaw leads team to prevent foodborne illness outbreaks

Faculty News
By Whitney Baxter

Angela Shaw Christopher GannonIowa State University

For the past three years, Angela Shaw, associate professor of food science and human nutrition and Extension specialist, has led a team that has been working to help fruit and vegetable growers and food processors throughout the Midwest improve practices to prevent foodborne illness outbreaks. The work is done as part of the North Central Region Center (NCR) for Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Training, Extension, and Technical Assistance.

Throughout the year, Shaw’s staff organize and conduct monthly meetings with state leads and Extension partners to teach them how to train growers within the region.  Any grower who has more than $25,000 in annual produce sales must go through the required Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training once. The success of the trainings is determined through surveys distributed to participants at the end of the year.

“If we can identify why people are getting sick, we can get the affected products off the shelf faster,” Shaw said.

The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition is housed in both the College of Human Sciences and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. 

Read the full CALS new story. 

Key contacts

Angela Shaw, Food Science and Human Nutrition,

Whitney Baxter, CALS Communications Service, 515-294-2314,

By Whitney Baxter