Graduate Student Scholarships

There are many graduate scholarships available to graduate students whose home department is food science and human nutrition (FSHN). Students in joint Bachelor/Master programs should apply based on their classification for the upcoming academic year. 

Ex: Pre-Diet & Exercise students should apply for Undergraduate Scholarships using One App. Diet & Exercise students who have been admitted to the program should apply for graduate scholarships for the next academic year.

FSHN Department Graduate Scholarships

Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are due March 1, 2025. To apply, complete the online department application. As part of the application process, you will be prompted to upload a current CV or resume.

College of Health and Human Sciences Scholarships

How to apply: 

Deadline: Mar. 1 at 11:59 p.m.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding your application, contact us at

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Graduate Scholarships

Students whose home college is the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are eligible for graduate scholarships by a nomination from the Director of Graduate Education for their program.

Graduate Assistantships

Priority of department scholarships and research assistantships will be given to applications received by December 1 for fall semester. Department scholarships and research assistantships are based on: 1) approval into Food Science and Technology and/or Nutritional Sciences; 2) faculty acceptance into laboratory; and 3) availability of funding.

Scholarships are also available on a competitive basis from FSHN, the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Human Sciences, and other sources.

The following materials will be used by the potential major professor to determine whether or not a candidate will be offered an assistantship:

  • Letters of recommendations
  • Statement of purpose

More information on the assistantship application process can be found on each program’s application and admission page.

Need More Information?

Brenda Emery

220 Mackay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1078
