Assessment Process

Our assessment process is structured according to the four fundamental elements of learner-centered assessment. Faculty members are responsible for the curriculum and its associated learning experiences allowing a student to earn a degree. Therefore, our faculty assumes the responsibility to:

  • Develop intended learning outcomes, statements describing what students should know, understand, and be able to do when they graduate.
  • Design or select data-gathering assessment measures to determine whether learning outcomes have been achieved.
  • Design learning experiences for student achievement of intended learning outcomes.
  • Use assessment results to gather feedback and improve learning.

The Department Outcomes-Based Evaluation Plan (PDF) for Continuous Curricular Improvement provides an overview of who is assessed, who is involved in the assessment process, steps to discuss and use the assessment results (close to loop), and timeline. The process is facilitated by the:

  • Associate Department Chair for Undergraduate Programs
    Supervises outcomes assessment activities
  • FSHN Outcomes Assessment Committee
    Responsible for outcomes assessment activities
  • FSHN Curriculum Committee
    Responsible for implementation of curriculum changes
  • Outcomes-Driven Education Signature Area of Excellence
    Evaluates and improves instructional pedagogy and teaching strategies