Prevention and Mitigation of Type 2 Diabetes

Our goals are to develop a collaborative research team to conduct nutrition research aimed at the prevention and mitigation of type 2 diabetes and to develop courses in diabetes that complement our current undergraduate and graduate curricula.


  • Develop internal and external collaborative teams for submission of external grant proposals and research projects.
  • Host a symposium on emerging topics of type 2 diabetes research.

Research Projects

  • Diabetic kidney disease and vitamin D balance.
  • Host a symposium on emerging topics of type 2 diabetes research.
  • Diabetes impact on folate- and one-carbon metabolism.
  • Impact of insulin resistance on cognitive function.
  • Impact of educational strategies on childhood obesity and diabetes.
  • Impact of whole egg consumption on maintaining vitamin D balance in diabetes
  • Impact of stress on lifelong willingness to engage in physical activity and reduce diabetes
  • Genetic determinant of metabolic function and brain health
  • Metabolic effects of pulses on type 2 diabetes biomarkers
  • Knowledge of health benefits of legumes for type 2 diabetes.

Faculty Interests

Christina Campbell, PhD, RD: Impact of maternal physical activity on health and wellness

Peter Clark, PhD: Impact of stress on a sedentary lifestyle and diabetes. Visit the Laboratory of Behavioral and Nutritional Neuroscience website.

Lorraine Lanningham-Foster, PhD: Relationship between diet, physical activity and pediatric obesity

Matthew Rowling, PhD: Nutrient balance during onset and progression of diabetes

Kevin Schalinske, PhD: Folate and methyl group metabolism in diabetes. Visit the Kevin Schalinske Research Laboratory website.

Donna M. Winham, DrPH, RD, LD, MCHES: Dietary acculturation, traditional foods and diabetes prevention and control, legumes, food security, survey research

Need More Information?

Matthew Rowling

224c Mackay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1078
