Woteki Co-authors New Report on Improving America’s Health

Faculty News Research News
By Alice Pareti

A new report, co-authored by Iowa State University Professor Cathie Woteki, food science and human nutrition, identifies strategies to strengthen federal food and nutrition research and policy, and was the focus of a national online event hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center.

The report, Strengthening national nutrition research: Rationale and options for a new coordinated federal research effort and authority published in the July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, provides an in-depth review of the federal government’s current coordination and support of food and nutrition research.  Organized in three main sections, the report provides a set of recommendations aimed at federal agencies that rely on federally supported nutrition research, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

“With the number of unhealthy Americans growing, our goal is to make the argument that now is the time to invest in federal government research programs as they relate to human nutrition and food,” said Woteki.

By Alice Pareti