M.S. Requirements

Specific Course Requirements

Thesis Option M.S.:

  • FSHN 580 (first fall semester)
  • FSHN 581 (spring semester after taking FSHN 580)
  • FSHN 681 (semester of graduation)
  • FSHN 682 (every spring and fall semester)
  • BBMB 404, 405, or 420, if another biochemistry course has been taken as an undergraduate student with satisfactory grade (determined by POSC)
  • Stat 571
  • 1 course in nutrition: Food Science majors should have a basic understanding of nutrition evidenced by course work in a nutrition course as an undergraduate food science major or credit in one of the following courses. Acceptable courses on the POSC include: FSHN 360, 517, 575, NutrS 501, 503, 619. (approved by POSC).
  • FSHN 590C, 1 credit Teaching Assistant (TA) requirement
  • FSHN 699 (minimum of 3 credits; For minimum credits required during the summer, please check the ISU graduate handbook).

Thesis option

  • > 20 coursework credits including:
    • > 9 credits in food science graduate-level courses with letter grade (excluding 542, 580, 581 590C, 681, 682) which includes:
    • > 5-6 credits at 600-level in food science (excluding 681 & 682)
  • Minimum total credit requirement for thesis option is 30 total credits.

Ph.D. requirements

Students must complete 35 credits of coursework (may include masters coursework), including at least 12 credits of FSHN graduate-level courses (excluding FSHN 542, 580, 581, 590C, 681, 682), 6 of which must be at 600-level (excluding FSHN 681, 682). For course descriptions view the catalog. Specific course requirements

  • FSHN 580 (first fall semester, if not previously taken)
  • FSHN 581 (spring semester after taking FSHN 580, if not previously taken)
  • FSHN 681 (semester of graduation)
  • FSHN 682 (every spring and fall semester)
  • BBMB 404, BBMB 405, or BBMB 420
  • Stat 571@
  • Seminar 2 credits (FSHN 681 plus 1 credit additional seminar experience$)
  • 1 course in nutrition@
  • 1 credit in grant writing experience**
  • FSHN 590C, 1 credit as part of TA requirement
  • FSHN 699 (minimum of 3 credits)

@ If not taken in MS POS

** FSHN 695 or equivalent

AgEds 514, journal club (FSHN 590)

Need More Information?

Brenda Emery

220 Mackay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1078

